Saturday, 23 June 2012

SIMP Preview - Pastries / Pâtisseries Individualles

I am starving!!!

Making mini food all day long really does make you hungry. Sometimes I swear that when I'm working closely on a teeny caramel religieuse just under my nose, I can REALLY smell the's hard....(or soft....I mean if it's soft caramel...)

So here's a glimpse of our Individual Pastries, mostly new. I'm off to get my bags ready for tomorrow, and let's hope that this time I don't forget anything (yes, one year I left home without any of my miniature tableware which I had spent days before meticulously hand painting - not going to do that again this year!!)

See you tomorrow if you're coming to the show :)

Individual French pastries ready for the SIMP

Oh la vache, ce que j'ai faim!!!

On ne se rend pas compte, comme ça, mais faire des miniatures de bouffe à longueur de journée, ça creuse! Je jure que parfois, à force d'avoir le nez juste au dessus d'une religieuse au caramel microscopique, j'ai l'impression que ça sent VRAIMENT le caramel....c'est dur...(ou mou, si c'est du caramel mou, mais bon....)

Voici donc un petit aperçu des pâtisseries individuelles, nouvelles ou pas, et moi je file remplir mes sacs pour demain, pourvu que je n'oublie rien (ouais ouais, une année, j'ai laissé à la maison toute la vaisselle, c'est malin!!!!) et à demain, les gens :)

Individual pastries by Paris Miniatures


  1. Looking forward to see your spectacular minis in person,grin, see you tomorrow!

    1. Yes, do come by and say "Hello!" - I will be on my own for the first time, so I don't know if I can get away from my table! LOVE your animals :)

  2. Fantastique! À manger......mais seulement avec les yeux!

  3. Oh how I wish I were coming to the show! Only in my dreams and your blog! The visions you've created are something special....such a lot of work, such talent...such little *beauties*. Have a successful show...don't forget anything. haha!
    Hope you'll take bunches of pictures to share with us.

    1. Thank you Sandy :) Yes - everything is packed. Well, not everything, it's 9pm and I'm still putting things in sachets! I will take pics of the stand...

  4. Yum, I'm drooling, they look amazing!

  5. Oh so lovely but even more in real !
    You are always so kind and welcoming :o)) and your petit beau is GORGEOUS !!! Minihugs, Rosanna

  6. Beautiful creations. So realistic. Sheer pleasure to look at them.

  7. These are amazing. Not only are they beautiful and colorful, but it is staggering to imagine how much time and effort went in to making all of them. Just the hours alone is stunning! miniature food inside a miniature doll house

  8. Love cupcakes! So beautiful colors! Natalia
