Friday, 25 March 2016

It's a VERY Good Friday! New Easter Miniatures in our Etsy Store...

We're thrilled to announce that the final part of our Easter collection for 2016 is now available in our Etsy store!

What's that you say? It's Easter this weekend?! Yeah, well honestly things here didn't quite go to plan. We meant to have everything finished last week, but with Antoine off school for most of it, and a huge amount of orders to catch up on, we just didn't have time to work on the new pieces.

But Paris Miniatures never gives up! So here, at last, are the fruits of a few days of nose-to-the-grindstone, flat out miniaturing, photographing and Etsy-ing!

A sample...

All of these miniatures and more are now in our Etsy store
So apologies for the lateness but we figured most of you would prefer some lovely Easter pieces slightly late this year than wait until next year. We hope...!

So head on over to Etsy to see everything (35 new pieces!).