Monday, 14 February 2011

GIVEAWAY! Limited Edition St Valentine's Day Cake...

Each year to mark St Valentine's Day, we create an especially romantic cake.  This year"Le Valentin" 2011 is a "Marie-Antoinette" St Honoré - a heart-shaped version of the classic French St Honoré pastry, decorated with romantic pink and red rose petals.

Tous les ans, nous créons un gâteau spécial pour la Saint Valentin, en forme de cœur, en édition limitée, numérotée,  et tout et tout :) 
J'ai eu du mal à choisir sa forme définitive, ayant plus d'idées que de temps pour les réaliser, mais finalement, je me suis mise d'accord avec moi même, IL ÉTAIT TEMPS!!!!! ;-)

It also comes with 3 heart-shaped boards on which to display it - in three shades of pink, so you can choose the one that goes best with your display!

Donc cette année, le Valentin s'est déguisé en "Saint-Honoré Marie-Antoinette", glaçage rose sur les petits choux, chantilly vanillée décorée de pétales de roses, et il est  assorti de 3 petits "napperons" en trois tons de rose, à interchanger suivant l'humeur ou le décor :)

They are only available in a very limited quantity and when they've gone, that's it!

You can find them in the Valentine's section of our Etsy store - click here

Or - you could try to win one...

  It's giveaway time!

Pour en avoir un, ça se passe ici, ou .....là, sur le blog, car c'est à nouveau l'heure du "give-away" de la Saint Valentin....

Win this!

Just leave a comment below...

...and this could be yours!

If you'd like to be in with a chance of winning one of these limited edition pieces, all you have to do is leave a nice comment on this post - that's it!  For example, tell us which is your favourite Valentine's piece!  

The winner will be drawn at random from the comments next Sunday (20 February) and will be notified via the blog.

Si vous voulez participer au tirage au sort, et peut être gagner un exemplaire du Valentin 2011, tout ce que vous avez à faire c'est de laisser un commentaire sur ce post, c'est tout!
Le tirage au sort aura lieu dimanche prochain 20 février et le gagnant(e) sera averti via...le blog!

(Néanmoins, si vous ne suivez pas "officiellement "le blog, évitez d'utiliser l'option "anonyme", prenez plutôt "name/url" car nous ne pourrions pas vous contacter en cas de bonne nouvelle)

IMPORTANT!  If you wish to participate in the "giveaway", please avoid using the "anonymous" option when posting (use the "name/url" option instead) otherwise we will be unable to contact you if you win!

Good luck folks and Happy St Valentine's Day!

Si vous ne pouvez pas attendre jusqu'à Dimanche prochain , ou si vous voulez être sûr de ne pas rater cette édition du Valentin, il y en a quelques exemplaires ici.

Bonne chance les gens, et bonne saint Valentin!


  1. Es un pastel precioso y unico.
    Me encantaria participar en tu sorteo y poder tener oportunidad de ganar ese maravilloso pastel.
    besitos ascension

  2. On a day like today, your wonderful miniature work puts love in the air.
    I adore you work and am working on a vignette which will need me to place an order with you!
    You inspire me!

  3. My favorite is actually the one being given away. So let's hope I'll win this. I love the valentine collection btw

  4. And the love is coming...
    All your cakes are lovely.
    I should like to try to win your valentine cake.

  5. Voilà mon inscription au giveway... So nice, so pink....

  6. I love the eclairs in sets of three! The Valentine's Day video was wonderful too....

  7. Always happy to try for another beautiful piece for my collection.

    Happy Valentine's Day!


  8. Que delicioso! a mi me encantan todos los dulces, y sobre todo los pasteles de frutas.

  9. Happy St Valentine's Day to you both!

    Your give-away is perfect!!!


  10. I absolutely love this pastry. The detail is exquisite and looks good enough to eat! My birthday is Sunday so maybe some birthday luck will come my way!


  11. themomibi@gmail.comFebruary 14, 2011 7:13 pm

    Ahh! A Valentine's cake. Rose's are red, Violets are Blue but no one makes miniatures like you!

    Happy Valentine's Day

    Rose Marie

  12. sharonleifson@aol.comFebruary 14, 2011 7:18 pm

    Your work has intrigued me for so long. Such beauty in a small package. I would love to make your little cake my first piece. An admirer of your incredible talent. Sharon

  13. Catherine GUILLOUXFebruary 14, 2011 7:19 pm

    J'adore cette version 2011. Très bonne idée les 3 petits napperons, et comme d'habitude le gâteau est superbe. La série Marie-Antoinette s'enrichit d'un cœur tendre.

  14. comme d'habitude vos créations sont superbes!!! je tente donc ma chance d'avoir ce joli gateau.

  15. What a wonderful way to celebrate Valentine's Day! I think this year my favorite is the creme brulee...

    I hope I win the give-away!

  16. This would be my only valentine so it would be lovely to win, and besides its gorgeous :-)

  17. You have stolen my heart with your beautiful miniatures.

  18. Wow, it's so beautiful! I'd love to have this in my collection.

  19. Oooooh it is just beautiful! Please count me in on your wonderful "Give Away".

    I enjoyed the video. :-)

  20. ..I feel like a kid in a candy store.. there's so many gorgeous sweets that it's hard to actually pick one!
    They all look lovely. The Creme Brulèe is painfully realistic; the small tarts and cupcakes are adorable beyond words.

    I really envy your talent :D

  21. Your Romantic Valentine's champagne Breakfast with Eiffel Tower Tray is my favourite of your Valentine's Day pieces! All of your products are fascinatingly detailed, and looks wonderful. I aspire to be able to create such loveliness!

  22. Ou, these all are so beautiful... but I love chocolate!

  23. So cute ! Vous êtes une vraie source d'inspiration pour mes vraies pâtisseries !

  24. I think Marie Antoinette would have said 'Let Me eat this cake!' if she'd seen it!
    It's all beautiful, I love this one.

  25. I wish I could speak French to compliment your talents that I admire so much. I am dreaming of starting a miniature patisserie and in the shop window I would love to have a Valentine's theme showcasing all your special treats.

  26. Emma, j'adore tout ce que vous faites. Merci pour votre grand talent !

  27. I heart all your pieces, you are so clever. XXXX

  28. Beautiful giveaway! Everything is amazing....I really love the cherry red set...very nice! count me in and have a wonderful Valentine's Day!

  29. Pretty in pink... so beautiful!!!

  30. Quel adorable petit gateau. Ma poupée adorerait cette merveille juste à côté de sa tasse de thé.

  31. Superbe !!! magnifique. Tous les adjectifs pourraient etre utilisés concernant vos miniatures.

  32. Thank you so much for the giveaway invitation! I love to win this pretty cake at this time. Many thanks for sharing your beautiful miniatures with us. Happy Valentine's Day :) noa

  33. I am feeling the love!!! I would love to participate in your wonderful giveaway! Thank you so much for letting me know about it!!

  34. Buon San Valentino a tutti voi
    c'est toujours un plaisir pour les yeux vos miniatures!

  35. Your workmanship is absolutely breathtaking. I love the miniature world!

  36. Que de douceur, d'amour et de volupté dans une si mini-réalisation ! Heureuse St Valentin à tous les amoureux de la miniature!

  37. myfabulousfunkysantaFebruary 14, 2011 9:02 pm

    It's always a pleasure to look at Emma and Neil's lovely miniatures, any and all of them, they are all so wonderful. But my eye keeps drifting to that fabulous creme brulee, yummy and so pretty, too! Happy Valentine's Day to you both, and thank you for the excellent prize draw, three guesses as to who I hope wins.....

  38. hey!
    i've been following your miniature work and i must say that it is truly unique in it's own way... and absolutely lifelike! i would love to own one piece just to get a glimpse at perfection!
    it's really kind of you to organize a giveaway!

  39. Moi aussi je veux bien participer au donne loin pour gagner un st honoré tout plein d'amour avec des couleurs de filles.

  40. UMMMMM , está para comérselo, a mi me gustaría tener un tamaño normal, pero casi que prefiero esta preciosidad para poder admirarla todos los San Valentín¡¡¡¡ felicidades por su trabajo.

  41. bellissimo partecipiamo volentieri

  42. So lovely cake!!!! I would love to particapte in your sweet giveaway.One of my prefer cakes that you make are macaroons,mini regards.

  43. WOW!!! superbe!!! J'espère être le gagnant de ce dessert succulent!
    Ciao ciao

  44. Wow, what a lovely cake! I'd so so so like to win it :) I think I'd look lovely with all my tiny St Honoré pastries I've already got!
    And, of course, my most favourite pieces from your Valentine's collection are all the sets of 3 pastries on a paper doily!
    Happy Valentine's day,

  45. Pink and perfect! I love this Valentine cake and all the other Valentine minis too!

  46. Je l'adore! C'est magnifique!! :)

    Happy Valentine's Day!

  47. J'aime bien tous tes gâteaux et celui-la est magnifique. J'aimerais bien participer et le gaigner.


  48. What a superb cake! Just perfect for Valentine's Day!

  49. Saint-Valentin est la fête de l'amour .... mais aussi la fête de tous ceux qui aiment les miniatures .... alors Happy Valentine's à tous ...
    le gâteau est magnifique, vraiment compliments ...
    un baiser

  50. Fabulous mini Valentine cakes, I can’t choose one piece, I love them all!

  51. Pour le plaisir des yeux… C'est tout simplement magnifique.

  52. Why! What a fantastic cake. How exciting it is to be participating in another giveaway of yours! Your miniatures are absolutely fantastic. It always brightens my day to see your work. <3

    Mini hugs,

  53. As always,absolutely delectable!

  54. oh thank you, thank you very much, I'd love to win it :o)))Rosanna

  55. Ingrid HasselbaumFebruary 15, 2011 1:15 am

    I've just recently discovered your blog, and I am just blown away by the beautiful creations here! You are so talented.

  56. It's very hard to pick my favorite, but I really like the heart shaped creme brulee and the pink macaroon, tartlet and cupcake assortment. I also like the piece being given away so I hope I win!!

  57. Hello from Aust! I'm so happy that I found someone like you making all the lovely mini cakes! Please keep up the good work! I love the creme burlee! I want to eat it now!

  58. grr arrr!! you made me think! it's such a difficult decision, all your pieces are wonderful! i think if i had to pick, probably the st honore because until i saw your mini versions i never knew they existed XD


  59. O`what a wonderful, wonderful giveaway! I would love to take part..please count me in! I hope your Valentines Day was Cute!

  60. vive St valentin qui nous permets de voir de si beau gateau

  61. Every cake you make is Great but I think this is my favourite!

  62. Magnifique ! comme toujours on en mangerait ! il irait bien avec ma collection de bons gâteaux en forme de coeur !
    à bientôt au SIMP!

  63. C'est une merveille c'est vraiment un hylmne à l'amour et à la beauté

  64. Diese kleine Torte ist so zauberhaft.... sie ist wunderschön. Das wäre ein kleiner Traum von mir, solch eine Torte mal zu gewinnen.

    Liebe Grüße aus Germany


  65. Tatiana la PrincessePetitPoisFebruary 15, 2011 10:15 am

    Le rose dominant semblable à mes joues ; la douceur de la creme telle ses baisers ; ce coeur de feutrine qui nous entoure : la vie n'est rien sans son Amour et un si beau gateau gourmand

  66. Hymne a l'amour!!! avec en plus un Saint-Honore tout couvert de roses et si delicatement delicieux... que j'aimerai bien avoir grandeur nature pour le manger... magnifique miniature comme toujours.. ce serait amusant de le recevoir... je participe donc, doei, claude (en passant votre video avec la musique a beaucoup amuse mon Valentin...)

  67. è um bolinho com aspecto bem delicioso, por isso gostaria de participar no teu sorteio!

  68. El pastel es una maravilla, espero que la suerte me acompañe y poder lucirlo en una de mis casitas. Muchas gracias, Laura

  69. Este pastel, como todo lo vuestro es una preciosidad! Me encanta participar en vuestro sorteo...gracias por darme la oportunidad!!

  70. What a beautiful pastry - it's making me hungry!

  71. wow!!! davvero fantastico adoro tutte le tue creazioni e trovo ingiusto decidere solo una ;-) il premio è fantastico incrocio le dita e spero ciao rosa.kreattiva
    blog creativo

  72. C'est un magnifique giveaway que vous proposez. Ce gâteau a des couleurs si délicates et en plus il a l'air délicieux.

  73. This cake is absolute perfection and would go so nicely with the St. Honores that I have already bought from you. It is faultless and so beautiful. I also love the pink eclair selection which would also go with my collection. Happy February,

  74. How I wish to be the lucky one!

  75. Thank you for the oppurtunity to join your beautiful give away :)
    I hope so much that I will win this one!
    My favorite is the one you offer as a give away and I love the French treats blackberry!

    I will put a link on my blog for your give away (right now!)
    Hugs, Jollie

  76. OOO LA LA! Seriously, if I've every seen anything that made me remember those days in grade school when there was a lovely foil covered box at the front of the classroom, decorated in paper hearts, this is it! And then the excitement in the air when the valentines we had each placed inside that box upon arrival at school that morning were finally handed out. What wonderful memories this invokes for me!

  77. This comment has been removed by the author.

  78. Ce petit coeur est trop mignon et je l'adore!

  79. Happy Valantine to you too!!!!
    The cake is perfect...I cross my fingers!!!

  80. Quelle luxe!

    Winning that would brighten up a dreary February.
    I'll cross my fingers and toes!

  81. ben voilà !
    plus qu'à espérer
    espérer c'est esprit st valentin ça
    bonne journée!♥

  82. kareni@terraceweb.comFebruary 16, 2011 4:56 pm

    What a pretty cake! Definitely not a Betty Crocker mix... : )

    Karen Isaacson

  83. Magnifique comme d'habitude!!
    Que de poésie dans cette création romantique!
    A bientôt.Emilie

  84. c'est vraiment très difficile de choisir. J'aime beaucoup celui qui apparait à 2'44 de la vidéo : les boudoirs tenus par un ruban avec 3 roses en sucre... j'adore les roses en sucre.
    Et c'est toujours un plaisir de lire vos articles.
    Je vous souhaite une très belle journée.

  85. So adorable, and making me hungry, je faime!!!! Anyway, my favorite is the creme brulee I put in my heart themed treasury : ) it is both mine and my french Fiance's favorite - beautiful work as usual!

  86. Your art is amazing! Love the Valentine Collection!!! I am happy to own some of your miniature treasures and hope to win this lovely!

    ~Erica Alonzo

  87. what a wonderfull piece! I spent valentines day alone and working, without my bf, so happy and pretty valentines posts cheer me up very much! and a beautifull valentine giveaway cheers me up even more!! :D
    I'd love to participate!

  88. It's a wonderful cake and would be extremly happy, if I'd win it.
    It's a pity I can't see the video in Germany it's "not available in your country" as the serves says.
    Mini hugs from Berlin Andrea

  89. My favorite is the one you're giving away and I love your blog!
    Please put my name in the giveaway.

  90. I love everything you make, including this wonderful Valentine's Day cake. I would love to win it in this contest.
    Anne Johnson

  91. Thank you for running this giveaway. I'd love to be included!!

    <3 Ann

  92. Fabulous giveaway! I love the Romantic Valentine's Champagne Breakfast Tray!

  93. Amazing tiny cake in an amazing tiny world... bravo !

  94. Absolutely Love this Valentine treat. Would be the PERFECT addition to my mini bakery that took only 2 years to finish!!!!

  95. Oh la la, i just stumbled on your lovely blog! what a stunning and mouthwatering miniatures you make!
    incredible! strawberries and cream are my favourite mmmmmmmmmm

  96. J'imagine qu'on peut compter sur vous pour les dégustations au prochain SIMP ;-) (du même gâteau taille normale bien sûr).

    Les pétales de roses sont particulièrement romantiques en tout cas!!!

  97. Bellissima miniatura. partecipo volentieri al tuo giveaway.

  98. I keep coming back to your website for inspiration. Thanks for sharing your wonderful art work!


  99. bellissima come sempre !!! partecipo e spero di essere la fortunata :o)

  100. Oh Yes! I would be delighted to win such a beautiful work of art.
    Thank you so much for the opportunity and if I do win, I shall post about it on my blog.

  101. cute cake!! I love Valentines cake and cookies.
    Please count me in!

  102. I think it is amazing the detail that you are able to put into your creations.

  103. Have to say that I am enchanted with everything - tho I am partial to the creme brulee with the raspberry on top. The workmanship is beautiful and brings many an ooohh and ahhhh from a very appreciative audience.
    Happy Spring to all.

  104. I'd love love love to win this! my favorite is the Decorative Chocolate / Candy Box - French Boudoir Style .

    le.paradis.found at gmail dot com

  105. In fact your amazing works change my live and inspired me to start my little stuff trying to follow your way.
    I really enjoy it.

  106. Llego al sorteo por los pelos...ahora viene lo dificil, que me toque, pero si no entro no podre ganarlo....y me encantaria tenerlo, es sencillamente precioso,tengo un sitio ideal para que luzca, muchas gracias por tan gran regalo, besos.

  107. FrenchminiaturistFebruary 19, 2011 7:47 pm

    This one would look great in my pastry shop!!!I love the rose petals!!

  108. I've just bopped along to your Love Is In The Air Valentine mini video -- excellent!! So many gorgeous minis and a great song, too, what can be better?

  109. Lovely! I'd like to win it.

  110. The Chocolate Cameo Cake, the Love in Paris - Pink Cream Cake, the Cherry Charlotte and many more!

  111. I LOVE all of your miniatures!!! I love your creativity and I get so HUNGRY admiring it all the time!

  112. If I was so lucky as to win this I would cry your work is so beautiful.

  113. Thanks guys :) We'll make the draw soon and will announce the winner on the blog.

    Good luck everyone!

    This comments thread is now closed.
