Wednesday, 16 February 2011

Just another morning on French TV! / J'ai faim!!!!

J'aime bien bricoler avec la télé allumée, juste en bruit de fond, mais des fois, c'est dur de se concentrer!!!!!!!

When we're working we often have the TV on and to be honest, although it's often not very interesting, it's a big help in learning French (remember that only 50% of is French!).  This morning however we were treated to an amazing display of French pâtisserie!  Had a bit of trouble concentrating after that!!!

I couldn't record it for you, so I did the next best thing and grabbed my camera... 

Shame is wasn't in 3D...or even "Taste-O-Vision"!



  1. Waow, trop beau, oh la la, on dirait des vrais!!J'ai faim maintenant, heureusement, ya pas de calories!!!!!!!!!

  2. I just love your food! I am making a French bistro in
    miniature and you have inspired me. My favorite of your cakes is heart shaped with cherries on top and lady fingers all around.

  3. Thank you Susan!
    Don't hesitate to show us pictures, it's always a pleasure to discover miniature french bistros from around the world!
    ...and I love that cake too;-)
