Saturday, 25 April 2009

Some Photos from American Miniaturist

American Miniaturist Magazine Issue 73 May 2009 with Emmaflam & Miniman on the cover!We finally have a copy of American Miniaturist #73 in our hands...the issue in which we have our little feature!

At the time of writing it's been with us for only a few hours, so we're still on a high from seeing our work featured in the magazine...but we thought we'd share with you a few of the photos that have been chosen for the feature. After all, it's a small magazine and despite some large photos being shown, we thought you'd appreciate having access to some of the originals, while giving a taste of what's inside to those who won't have the chance to see this issue.

All of these photos, including the scene above (which is featured on the cover!) can be enlarged by clicking on them.


Paris Miniatures Long Macaroon Charlotte - Miniature Pâtisserie Food
Long Macaroon Charlottes

Paris Miniatures French Restaurant Desserts - Miniature Food - Emmaflam and Miniman
French Restaurant Desserts - Cold Strawberry Soup & Crème Brûlée

Paris Miniatures Making an apple pie preparation board - Miniature Food - Emmaflam and Miniman
Making an Apple Pie

Paris Miniatures Making stuffed baked tomatoes - preparation board - Miniature Food - Emmaflam and Miniman
Preparing Stuffed Baked Tomatoes


  1. Vous n'imaginez pas à quel point je suis contente que vous ayez un blog à présent!
    Voir toutes ces miniatures me ravit :)

  2. Nous aussi, nous sommes contents de nous y essayer, et nous ferons de notre mieux pour ne pas vous décevoir!

  3. Vous verrez, le blog ça va aller très vite! Je vous conseille de commenter sur d'autres blogs pour vous faire connaître ;)
    Mon blog a en tout cas fait une montée fulgurante, le vôtre ne devrait pas tarder! Vous avez tellement de fans ;)

    Wonderful food and cakes, joyable!!!!!!

    Kind regards from
    PiaMaria (a swedish miniaturist in food :=D).

  5. BONJOUR/Hi ! j'espère vous retrouver bien vite au Salon de la Miniature, en Octobre, à Paris ! Hope to find you again, at very next Miniature's Fair,in Pais, on October ! Aurez-vous encore une petite planche à tartines:elle est si adorable! Would you get another tartines'board : it's so lovely!
    Take care, have a great day, and, hope to see you very soon...?
    katherine, de Normandie
