Thursday, 5 June 2014

Paris Brest & St Honoré Pastries

The Paris Brest and the St Honoré are among the classics when it comes to French pastries. Emma's been making them in miniature since she was a young girl (and eating the real ones for just as long!)

When I moved to France, I fell in love with the Paris Brest and it's still my go-to thing when faced with display counters chock-full of colourful pastries of all shapes and sizes and too little time to choose.  In a world of uncertainty, disappointments and very expensive pastries, I can always be pretty sure that wherever I buy them, a Paris Brest will not disappoint!

Anyway...we're about to make some more mini versions of these pastries for the SIMP as we're down to the last ones.  So we've listed these last ones on Etsy at a reduced price for those who still haven't added these pieces to your miniature pastry collections (...and why not?!)

Miniature Paris Brest pastries
 Miniature Paris Brest pastries
(in our Etsy store)

Miniature St Honoré pastries
Miniature St Honoré pastries
(in our Etsy store)

St Honoré and Paris Brest miniature pastries
St Honoré and Paris Brest miniature pastries

As a side note, this is one of those occasions when a miniature really benefits from being seen close up. Check out the first picture of the Paris Brest at the top of this post full size and tell me that it couldn't be a real one...

Trust me, as a Paris Brest expert! 



  1. Your miniatures (miniature works of art) are always gorgeous....and in this particular case 'mouth watering'!!! I can understand why this might be your favourite....yum!!!

    1. Thanks Linda! I think I might just pop out and get one for tea time!! Neil xo

  2. waouh on dirait des vrais bravo et oui typiquement français! voireparisien

  3. they're so cute and tiny :)

  4. Delicious and very realistic.
