Monday, 27 July 2009

Summertime Desserts

Thought we'd show a few pieces that will be popping up on Etsy in the next few minutes...

Inspired by the lovely summery weather we've been having, today we made a few "Summertime Desserts" with sorbets, sundaes and a mousse glacée.

Needless to say it's now cold, windy and rainy...c'est la vie!

You'll find them together on Etsy here.

12th scale miniature desserts handmade for dollhouse by emmaflam and miniman at Paris Miniatures


  1. This is so "exquis"!
    Bravo! I am a great admirer of your work. It happens that I have moved from France to England a year ago. It is so delightful to read about all that you like about my culture when now I cannot spend a day without a cup of tea!( but miss my saucisson so much I can't tell you...).
    I have recently started to work in 1/12 scale. I make cakes for children tea sets and it is so much fun!
    Your creations are just pieces of art.
    Take care!
    A bientôt!

  2. Thank you!...
    We understand your saucisson craving, as both of us could currently kill for fish and chips! ;-)

  3. Your work is so nice and lifelike. i love all your food.
