Saturday, 6 March 2010

Pink Macaroons / Macarons roses

I can't help but get a little excited when Emma announces that she's going into the kitchen to do some baking. Last night she was keeping tight-lipped about what she was up to, but this morning I was happy to see that in my rôle as official taster / guinea pig, I'll be force fed (yeah, right!) macaroons later today! 

Je ne peux pas m'empêcher d'être curieux quand Emma me dit qu'elle part aux fourneaux.  Hier soir inderdiction formelle d'entrer dans la cuisine.  Mais ce matin j'etais content de voir qu'il y avait de petits trucs roses que, en tant que cobaye officiel, je serai "obligée" de gouter plus tard....qui dit que des macarons sont uniquement pour les filles....?!!

It does seem that Emma has once again mixed real life with miniatures and has made the shells for the real macaroons v-e-r-y small!

Mais là, on dirait qu'elle a tout mélangé car même ces vrais macarons sont miniatures !

Can't wait to see what these cuties will look like once they've been filled with cream (still a mystery as to what it will be!)

J'ai hâte de les voir terminés ! goûter !  Et pour la crème...aucune idée pour l'instant...



  1. I would like to sit on your shoulder when you make the riffled edge;) BEAUTIFUL!!!:)

  2. Okay I am confused..are they real or miniatures?..or lol, both?

  3. Hi Christel, they're miniature real ones...basically they are REAL macaroons but Emma made them much smaller than usual (about 1 - 1.5cm in diameter).

    I'd like to think she'd never force feed me polymer clay macaroons!!!

    Neil :)

  4. LOL..Oh you never know;) Thanks! the reading went a little fast I guess. They look great anyway:)

  5. They do, can't wait to taste them!! Having to be v-e-r-y patient today!!

  6. My mouth is now watering as I am at work with only a potato to bake, a few pieces of chocolate candy and chips!
    These are pretty--and I imagine--delicious!


  7. Jody - it's been ages since I had a baked potato (usually covered in melted butter, cheddar and baked beans) Yum!

    I've not been given any of these macaroons to try yet, but Emma disappeared into the kitchen a while ago to make Brittany butter cookies (for the first time!).

    They smell great and they look perfect!

    I feel very spoiled today :o)


  8. I often have to miss my macaroon ! It's never looks like has the photo of my recipe book !

  9. Neil,YOU are a spoilt man! and I envy you very very much! the wee macarons look so cute and yummy: I could have them empty. Have a nice evening Rosanna

  10. Rosanna, I know I am VERY spoilt!! I've already eaten most of the Brittany cookies Emma made earlier today, but you must understand I'm not greedy - it makes Emma happy to see me eat well!!!

    Soffy, si vous avez besoin d'astuces pour vos macarons, je connais une nana qui peut vous conseiller...! Et vous serez obligées de me parler en anglais au prochain expo! :-p

  11. Des minis ? des vrais ? des vrais minis ??!!........
    On attend la suite comme d'habitude et surtout, surtout on croise les doigts de ne pas arriver trop tard sur etsy quand tout est vendu ! Mais on tient bon et on se dit qu'un jour on y arrivera et on raflera tout !
    En attendant, je jette un oeil possessif sur le paris-brest et le valentin bien au chaud à la maison !
    Mille mercis à vous deux pour ces merveilles !
